Lightning Ridge Miners’ Association
The Lightning Ridge Miners’ Association Ltd (LRMA) was incorporated in 1974 to represent the opal mining community. It represents opal miners in general and its members in particular, in dealings with government and non-government bodies in affairs affecting their economic and social welfare.
The LRMA is administered by a President and Board of seven Directors, elected annually by the members. No Board member receives any fees or remuneration for performing duties as either President or Director.
The LRMA has approximately 750 financial members and its membership is growing steadily.
National Opal Miners Association
The National Opal Miners Association (NOMA) membership includes the Lightning Ridge Miners’ Association, Glengarry Grawin Sheepyards Miners Association and White Cliffs Miners Association from NSW; Queensland Boulder Opal Association, Queensland Opal Miners Association and Yowah Opal Miners Association from Queensland; and the Coober Pedy Miners Association, Mintabie Progress Association and Andamooka Progress Opal Miners Association from South Australia; plus two wholesale organisations the Opal Chapter of the Jewellers Association of Australia and the Opal Association.
NOMA’s objects are to promote the interests of and represent opal miners in matters relating to their economic and social welfare that is common to all three states on a national basis; to organise and hold a national opal symposium once every two years on a rotational basis between the three States; to generically promote opal domestically and internationally; to encourage research into aspects of opal that assists opal miners more efficiently locate and extract the resource and provide support where possible; to encourage the improvement of the skills base necessary for opal mining; and to liaise, provide assistance, information and contacts wherever possible to assist respective Associations in dealing with their State specific issues.